MEASUREMENTS: AudioQuest Dragonfly v1.2 Reviewed
An audiophile buddy of mine (AudioPhil) got married a few months back and a few of us decided to chip in to give him one of these Dragonfly DACs for being a good sport :-). I don't think the Dragonfly...
View ArticleAudioPhil's Corner: Viewpoint and Follow-up on the Dragonfly 1.2...
I was offered the opportunity by Archimago to share a few thoughts regarding the Dragonfly v1.2 which I graciously received as a pre-wedding gift from my good friend the Mago himself. However, before...
View ArticleMUSINGS: "Pure, Perfect Sound - Forever"
Remember that much-maligned phrase "Perfect Sound Forever"? Of course you do! For the audiophiles out there who read the usual magazines, how can we not!? We only seem to be reminded of it every few...
View ArticleMEASUREMENTS: Technics SL-1200 M3D Wow & Flutter - PlatterSpeed + Dr....
So, I got the Dr. Feickert's Adjust+ 7" Test LP in the mail the other day direct from Germany. It looks well pressed on good quality vinyl. It's great to see the measurement screenshots from Michael...
View ArticleMEASUREMENTS: Digital Audio and the PlatterSpeed "Wow & Flutter" App
Shortly after my last post on the wow & flutter measurements with the Technics SL-1200 using the 7" test disk, Frans suggested in the comments a test using a CD to demonstrate what the results...
View ArticleMEASUREMENTS: Microsoft Surface Pro 3 Audio.
Over the last couple years I have been using my ASUS Taichi ultrabook as my daily work/business traveller laptop. I've certainly appreciated the ultrabook form factor and speed! Although these little...
View ArticleMUSINGS: Vinyl Paraphernalia & Good Old (Free) Vinyl :-)
As I mentioned before, I've been going through the bargain bins at the local LP stores and it has been great finding stuff I hadn't listened to for years! Tonight, as I'm typing this I'm getting...
View ArticleMUSINGS: Stereophile's "Recommended Components" & the shift to objectivism.
The other day, I was perusing the Steve Hoffman forum and ran into this thread. Yup, Stereophile's Fall 2014 Recommended Components list is up. A thread poster noted that the Sony Playstation 1...
View ArticleDIY / MUSINGS: Bi-Wired Canare 4S11 And Speaker Cable Discussion...
A couple weeks back I was tempted to make some of my own speaker cables out of bulk Canare 4S11 cables I had at my disposal. Note that with my Emotiva XPA-1L monoblock amplifiers situated close to the...
View ArticleMEASUREMENTS: Apple iPhone 4 & iPhone 6 audio output.
In terms of general look-n-feel, or usability of the product, there's nothing I can say here that has not been said about Apple's most popular devices - the iPhones. Though I'm not an Apple fanboy, my...
View ArticleTEST: Archimago's LP Needle Drop Blind Test.
Hello everyone. Welcome to another "blind" test! Unlike the previous High Bitrate MP3 Test last year and the more recent 24-Bit vs. 16-Bit Test, this one is much more subjective and essentially for fun...
View ArticleMUSINGS: Articles of Disservice - Stereophile November 2014
Over the months, I have put up posts critical of magazine articles (like this one) but I must say that the November issue of Stereophile was an "impressive" read. I just wanted to bring up a couple of...
View ArticleMEASUREMENTS: Roksan TMS (1) Wow & Flutter - PlatterSpeed test.
Greetings from this place: Port city of Xiamen, China - just across from Taiwan. Wrote this up right before I left Canada to go to Asia... --------------------- Hello folks, while you're working on the...
View ArticleLP Needle Drop Test: Final Week!
Just wanted to remind everyone that I'm closing off the LP Needle Drop Blind Test survey at the end of this week (November 30). Thanks for all the submissions so far... Thanks for the downloads so...
View ArticleE-Mail: "Full Dynamic Range" - Now there's a marketing phrase to get behind!
The other day, I got this E-mail from an audiophile friend: Hi Arch, I think this is funny. A contradiction in every way imaginable which is why I wanted to share it with you. I know it’s not your...
View ArticleRESULT: Archimago's LP Needle Drop Blind Test
Okay, finally it's time to put up the test results for the "LP Needle Drop Blind Test"! Of course the TMS system looks great compared to my "man cave" vintage Technics rig. :-) A big thank-you to...
View ArticleMUSINGS: Passion, Audiophilia, Faith and Money
Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.--- Daniel Patrick Moynihan Human passion is an interesting phenomenon isn't it? With it, we as individuals can strive to achieve in ways...
View ArticleMEASUREMENTS: Tascam UH-7000 USB Interface (Part I: As a DAC)
0. Preamble Well, look what Santa brought me early this month: So apparently I had been "nice" in his books so he decided to see about getting me an upgrade on an ADC device for vinyl recording and...
View ArticleHappy New Year!
Hey folks, welcome to 2015 :-). I was hoping to post on the ADC component to the Tascam UH-7000 today but the wife and I decided on a surprise trip to Disneyland instead with the kids. Let's aim for...
View ArticleMEASUREMENTS: Tascam UH-7000 USB Interface (Part II: As an ADC)
TEAC & Tascam combo with size differential. The E-MU 0404USB in the background to the left. Alright, it's time to spend some time looking at using the Tascam UH-7000 as an analogue-to-digital...
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