MEASUREMENTS: Melody Onix SP3 Mk. II (~2006) Class AB Tube Integrated...
Recently I was curious about trying a tube amp in my system and my dad who's into his vintage gear including some older tube devices offered me this amp to test out. It was time to take up the offer...
View ArticleREVIEW / MEASUREMENTS: AKG K371 (closed-back, over-ear, dynamic driver) - An...
Hey guys and gals, the post here today will be on the longish side since this is the first time I'm writing a headphone review with some measurements. Best to take the opportunity to discuss the...
View ArticleREVIEW / MEASUREMENTS: Drop + THX AAA 789 Linear Headphone Amplifier. And on...
With much of my soundroom and other parts of the audio system sorted out to my satisfaction these days, I thought it would be time to start paying a little more attention to the headphone side of...
View ArticleHome Network: The ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 WiFi-6 Router & QNAP...
QNAP multi-gigabit switch being installed behind the basement home electrical panel.Well guys & gals, it seems like every year, I'll post at least an article on computer networking.I know, this...
View ArticleMEASUREMENTS: Sennheiser HD650 (~2010-2012) and HD800 (~2010). A comparison...
As you can see in the picture above, this is a bit of what the "box opening" looks like when you buy either one of these "Reference Class" Sennheiser headphones.Much has already been said about the...
View ArticleREVIEW / MEASUREMENTS: Dekoni Blue ("Approved" Fostex T50RP Mk 3 mod). And...
As you can see in the image above and might know already, these are essentially Fostex T50RP Mk 3 headphones which have been out since 2015. In 2018, the Dekoni company (which makes aftermarket...
View ArticleqSpins: AudioEngine A2 & Edifier S2000 Mk III 2-Way Bookshelf Speakers
Hi everyone, thought I'd just publish a couple of "qSpins" today as I might be away for a little bit to attend to other duties in the next couple weeks.In the last while, I've been looking at getting...
View ArticleMEASUREMENTS: Emotiva Airmotiv B1+ bookshelf speakers. A comment about Andrew...
Emotiva Airmotiv B1+: Comes with small manual, and some stick-on rubber footers in the plastic bag. Fabric covers in background.Since mid-2020, I've been on a quest to find some replacement speakers...
View ArticleMEASUREMENTS: AKG Q701 "Quincy Jones Signature" (2012) & AKG K260 (vintage...
For today's post, let's have a listen and look at the two AKG headphone models above separated by about 25 years in age. On the left we have the AKG Q701 "Quincy Jones" Signature Reference-Class...
View ArticleModding the Dekoni Blue ("Arch-Mod5"). Streaming audio: Apple Music to be...
A couple weeks back, I measured the Dekoni Blue headphone which as I noted, is itself a "modded" Fostex T50RP Mk 3 planar-magnetic (aka "Regular Phase", aka "isodynamic") headphone. It would be...
View ArticleREVIEW / MEASUREMENTS: (Anthony) Gallo Acoustics A'Diva Ti (~2005) & Nucleus...
Hey ladies and gents, let's switch from discussing headphones this week and have a look and listen at some speakers.You've probably seen speakers like the ones above over the years. These are the...
View ArticleREVIEW / MEASUREMENTS: (Mass)Drop + HiFiMan HE-4XX Planar Magnetic Headphones...
Well, as I've mentioned previously, I don't really need more headphones. ;-) Alas, I could not resist picking up these minty Drop + HIFIMAN HE-4XX Planar Magnetics locally used at a price I could not...
View ArticleREVIEW / MEASUREMENTS: Pass Labs / First Watt SIT-2 stereo Class A amplifier....
Greetings all. For this post, as you can see above, I've got something exotic to review / measure here at chez Archimago. It's a Pass Labs / First Watt SIT-2 stereo amplifier which was made in limited...
View ArticleSUMMER MUSINGS: Surround sound to the masses! In support of 3D Audio / Dolby...
Hey guys and gals, this week I thought I'd take a break from measurements and observe what's going on in the audio, audiophile, and streaming world these days. I noticed some discussions and even...
View ArticleMEASUREMENTS: 1MORE Triple Driver Over-Ear Headphones (H1707) with wired...
Alright folks, on the test bench this week is the 1MORE Triple Driver Over-Ear Headphones (let's just shorten name to 3DOE). If you've seen this headphone over the years (released around Christmas time...
View ArticleMEASUREMENTS: Review of AudioQuest JitterBug FMJ. (And on Milind Kunchur's...
Hmmm... What does "LESS DIGITAL NOISE" actually mean? After all, noise that's bad enough to affect digital data will result in errors. Obviously, that would be very bad!Normally, I don't review stuff...
View ArticleApple TV 4K, 2nd Generation (2021, A12 Bionic SoC, 6th Gen Apple TV): A look...
So guys and gals, let's jump from the lo-tech "audiophile boutique" passive AudioQuest JitterBug FMJ last week to talk about something hi-tech this time.As I mentioned a few weeks back, I've been...
View ArticleMEASUREMENTS: Topping D10s - an inexpensive high performance basic USB DAC...
Hey everyone, I suspect many of you have already seen or heard of the Topping D10s by now (~US$100-110 at time of writing). It has been out since spring/summer 2020, a DAC released during the early...
View ArticleMega-taps upsampling: Remastero's Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster (PGGB)...
This article came about after I received an E-mail from an audiophile friend who saw this Audiophile Style thread in praise of "math and magic". It links to a piece of software by a site called...
View ArticleSUMMER MUSINGS: No... Not all amplifiers sound the same (but many do! ;-).
With both my Class D Hypex nCore NC252MP amp and the Class A Pass/First Watt SIT-2 in my sound room a couple months back, this allowed me to switch reasonably quickly between them to listen. You might...
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